I want to give all praises to the Most High for granting me the opportunity to write this letter. Secondly, I want to congratulate all of the winners on their respective victories last night. I also want to congratulate all candidates for running. I know how much work it takes to stand in front of people to discuss platforms, canvass neighborhoods, meet and greet potential voters and so on.
It’s not easy to run for office. All those who ran are to be commended. I know your commitment to Paterson, individually and collectively will not change. The reality is, it cannot change. Paterson needs you. Remain active.
There will be plenty of heavy lifting to do by us all. Thirdly, the people have spoken and elected who they wanted to represent them in city government. Although 2 of my candidates were unable to gain enough votes to win their elections, I couldn’t be more proud of them.
To Councilman William Bill McKoy, I will always be one of your biggest supporters. I’ve stood with you in the past, I’m standing with you now, and I’ll always stand with you and have your back.
To Fatima Bell, we have some building and networking to do soon. For your first time running you did a phenomenal job. It wasn’t easy but you stayed the course and remained determined to finish strong. Incidentally, you have inspired more people by choosing to run than you can ever imagine.
Lastly, I’m still here to advocate for my community. I will hold all elected officials accountable to their actions and words. Paterson is a great city with great people. In truth, we have a lot of work to do. I’m committed to engaging the people and doing I can as an activist to ensure Paterson moves forward.
Corey L. Teague
Activist and Ex-school board member