Paterson police charge man with attempted murder in Temple Street shooting | Paterson Times

Paterson police charge man with attempted murder in Temple Street shooting


A city man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder for his alleged role in a shooting on Temple Street.

Keith Hill, 26-year-old, was arrested on Tuesday in connection with the broad day light shooting on Temple, authorities said. He is also charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and certain persons not to have a firearm.

Hill was one of the parties involved in the shooting incident, police said. A 19-year-old woman from Clifton was struck by gunfire at around 1:58 p.m. on Monday. She sustained a non-fatal gunshot wound.

Police located the victim inside a grocery store on Temple Street.

Authorities said Hill turned himself in to police on Tuesday. He could face a maximum of 40 years in prison if convicted on all the charges, authorities said.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Paterson Police Ceasefire Unit at 973-321-1342.

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Give him the full 40 no parole

    • xanny1026

      you should get the same thing for fucking ya dog

      • MarquinhoGaucho

        You should be ashamed for calling your mom a dog.

  • Miss jamaica

    Please call me to serve on the jury. I have a problem with citizen that have no regard for people life. I am fully aware of the amendment but this is not what the forefathers meant . He should be held responsible the max punishment should be given.

    • xanny1026

      big pussy gal do you even have your papers

      • Miss jamaica

        Yes I am an American citizen that the reason why I Ask to serve
        I am college educated and make a very descent living.
        I can support myself I don’t need a husband.

        As for big pussy gal I have only had one sex partner in my life and that happen to be my husband,

        This is my opinion. Remember I am very educated.
        Have a good evening. I am living in country where I am entitled to my opinion. Land of the free

  • Miss jamaica

    Stop I am crying laughing.

  • xanny1026

    yeah I'm 1000% sure you like little kids we will catch you

  • Rico

    Dizzy prick
