The police arrested more than a dozen people and issued more than 1,000 summonses in a citywide weekend crime suppression detail, according to police director Jerry Speziale.
Police targeted enforcement at designated hotspots and areas people identified as drug activity and gang hangout zones from 10 p.m. on Saturday to 4 a.m. on Sunday.
14 people were arrested. 6 on drug related charges and 8 on outstanding warrants, police said. 37 baggies of cocaine and 29 baggies of marijuana were confiscated.
$6,705 in cash was recovered during the operation.
Police issued 155 summonses for public drinking, blocking entrances to stores, and loud music.
Police also issued 988 motor vehicle summonses. 901 moving and 87 parking violations. 8 vehicles were towed.
Speziale said police also cited businesses. Ranchi City on Market Street was issued 5 administrative violations and 2 summonses.
El Doctor Salsita on Summer Street was issued 2 summonses. And Question Mark Bar on Van Houten Street was issued 5 administrative violations and 1 summons.