Paterson teacher: Pink slips are in my future | Paterson Times

Paterson teacher: Pink slips are in my future


The end of the school year can lull you both in good and bad ways. I brave a smile even though I know there is impending doom for my future as a teacher. I mask this for the kids’ sake. Maybe the lull is from the changing weather, the prickly dampness and the lack of central air that contribute to the monotony of each 90-minute classes. These decrepit, ancient buildings in Paterson, New Jersey need to be condemned. There is no proper air circulation—with exceptions of some isolated rooms stationed with window AC units that are as old as the relics in a national museum. Yet, the city is still plagued with additional problems. There are issues of homelessness, drugs, gangs, teenage pregnancy, undiagnosed mental illnesses, gross illiteracy, violence and the list goes on. This time, they are targeting the schools.

Due to budget restrictions, the powers that be have already cut 240 teaching jobs and now, the school classes will be a minimum of 40 students per class. I often wonder if this decision is for the betterment of the school system or to its ultimate detriment?  The budget cuts are for what, exactly? The drinking water in the schools is still pregnant with high lead levels. We hunger for newer technology or even more textbooks. Will the extra money from the layoffs go to these issues? Or perhaps other impending issues of Paterson like better healthcare, shelters and community centers? You do the math. I did and I will be unemployed even though I scored as a highly effective teacher. Pink slips are in my future.

Now, all we can do at this juncture is pray. Pray for deliverance. Pray for the weak; pray for the strong and focus on what we can change versus complaining about what we cannot change. It seems to be fruitless to waste our good energy on such pointless discernment; but the reality is I will be jobless at the end of June.

Every morning I write in my gratitude journal and meditate about my goals for the day.  I’ve noticed that my lists are becoming less robust. Perhaps, I’m losing my grip on the affirmative and embracing more of the darkness that can slowly drown me. When I slip into that darkness, it becomes harder to resurface. Am I the only educator feeling the wrath of the budget cuts? It is teacher appreciation week, right?

Today is only the 9th of May and the 15th seems like a lifetime away. Not only am I anxious, but now, I am restless, paranoid and mentally deflated with an added dose of insomnia. My usual upbeat demeanor has lost its sparkle. My overzealous steps of joy have been cemented in doom and my everlasting smile has transformed into a frown.  The fact that my pink slip is pending makes the mixture of the negative and hopelessness an even heavier burden to carry. I am non tenured and the newest hire at my current school. Enough said. At my age and with 18 years of experience, I was aiming to retire one day since I relocated to Paterson this past school year. I had not desired to be in my mid-forties applying with twenty-year olds for a teaching job. But, what I want doesn’t matter. I have to focus on my reality. This is my reality so I must update my resume and start o’er. Once again.

To every down side, there is an upside. The upside means there is potential and there is a future. Even though this school district will let me go, I know there will be even more who will embrace my skills and passion for teaching. It is only a matter of time before they fulfill their deadlines and I start anew. Storms do pass. I know this, for sure.

Written by Sharon Gray, an English teacher at the Great Falls Academy.

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Very well written, the budget cuts are for the detriment of Paterson, all in order to justify the expansion of the cancerous charters. Don't worry Ms Gray you can reapply for your job making 16K less, more hours and no benefits while slimeballs like Manny Mantinez and terrorist Fetullah Gulen laugh all the way to the bank The only way this will end is to elect Bernie Sanders, get rid of Betsy De Vos and replace her with Diane Ravitch.

  • Virginia Wright

    That's so articulate and honest that it makes me a little bit sad that you won't be teaching our youth English and writing skills. I attended Paterson Public Schools from 1963 -1976. I received a decent education from teachers who actually cared enough to see that we learned. I was also blessed with both parents who guided 8 of us through the school system. Times have changed so dramatically!

  • bigron

    It's rare to see a teacher speak. This sends home a powerful message. Behind the numbers there are hard working educators, their families, and impacted students. It's sad what is happening and has been happening in Paterson.

    • MarquinhoGaucho

      Our corrupt board of ed and charter schools who control them dont give a rat's behind about their families, it's all about profits over people.

  • Jay Mont

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece. It's sad to see many educators like Ms. Gray depart from a job that they enjoy doing. Paterson Public Schools and most importantly the students will continue to face serious obstacles in achieving measurable success. Unfortunately, too many factors have led us to our current state of destitute and I find it's pointless to continue to point fingers. As adults what are the next few steps that can be taken to chip away at the obstacles that our schools face?

    1. Parents take ownership of their child's educational process.
    2. Read daily at a young age and make a child's experience with books one full of possibilities.
    3. Invest 1 to 2 hours daily to support your child in their learning process by sitting down at a table with them and going over their work. Create work for them to assist them when assignments are not enough.
    4. Spend time with your children by having them involved in activities that they enjoy.
    5. Teach and mentor your children in the norms and rules of the world we live in. They must have a clear understanding of the rules of the game (life) before they have any chance a seeing success through trial and error (experience).
    6. Vote for politicians that actively work for their community and make every effort to beautify their city. (Take a look at the wonderful job the Mayor of Passaic is doing)
    7. I've heard "Children First" often but just take a look at our parks and lack of facilities. Take a look at the Athenia Steel Complex in Clifton. The turf fields in Passaic… (Other towns have turf fields everywhere while we have fields that are an embarrassment. Invest in a grant writer with proven success.)
    8. Push for better quality of life rules and regulations that force landlords to keep their sidewalks clean at all times and hire people to pass out tickets to those who don't. Enforce your laws and do not turn a blind eye.
    9. Pass a curfew law…. minors should not be outside past 10pm. No excuses! (The data will show that nothing good can possibly come from having unattended minors out and about after 10pm.)
    10. Close all businesses at 10 pm with the exception of bars, restaurants and pharmacies.
    11. Require that all new city employees live in Paterson.

    1. Train your staff monthly at the school level. Have teacher led lessons (individual or co-teaching) which are evaluated by fellow teachers who give positive feedback along with recommendations on ways to improve lessons.
    2. Give principals full control of their respective schools and create a stable environment where teachers and administrators take pride in the building they practice their craft.
    3. There are too many administrators, supervisors and assistants – Down size and return to the model other school system practice with less money.
    4. Stick to the established policies and hold everyone accountable… and yes that includes parents.
    5. Do not socially promote students – Automatically retain students who are behind two reading levels at the 3rd, 5th and 8th grade levels. (Students who are unable to read will not attain a successful experience in school.)
    6. Create true programs for teaching Reading, Writing and Math at the elementary level and fine tune by figuring out what your most successful teachers do. USE YOUR DATA to identify your successful teachers.
    7. Tenure should be a badge of honor and only given to teachers that truly enjoy the work they do practicing their craft. (Teachers who merely show up should be done away with through observations.)
    8. Hire people that are qualified for the leadership positions they hold – no more political hires.
    9. Create budgets that have a built in surplus and stop wasting money on nonsense hires and programs.

    At some point we have to take a few steps forward and be willing to change.

  • Jay Mont

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece. It's sad to see many educators like Ms. Gray depart from a job that they enjoy doing. Paterson Public Schools and most importantly the students will continue to face serious obstacles in achieving measurable success. Unfortunately, too many factors have led us to our current state of destitute and I find it's pointless to continue to point fingers. As adults what are the next few steps that can be taken to chip away at the obstacles that our schools face?
    1. Parents take ownership of their child's educational process.
    2. Read daily at a young age and make a child's experience with books one full of possibilities.
    3. Invest 1 to 2 hours daily to support your child in their learning process by sitting down at a table with them and going over their work. Create work for them to assist them when assignments are not enough.
    4. Spend time with your children by having them involved in activities that they enjoy.
    5. Teach and mentor your children in the norms and rules of the world we live in. They must have a clear understanding of the rules of the game (life) before they have any chance a seeing success through trial and error (experience).
    6. Vote for politicians that actively work for their community and make every effort to beautify their city. (Take a look at the wonderful job the Mayor of Passaic is doing)
    7. I've heard "Children First" often but just take a look at our parks and lack of facilities. Take a look at the Athenia Steel Complex in Clifton. The turf fields in Passaic… (Other towns have turf fields everywhere while we have fields that are an embarrassment. Invest in a grant writer with proven success.)
    8. Push for better quality of life rules and regulations that force landlords to keep their sidewalks clean at all times and hire people to pass out tickets to those who don't. Enforce your laws and do not turn a blind eye.
    9. Pass a curfew law…. minors should not be outside past 10pm. No excuses! (The data will show that nothing good can possibly come from having unattended minors out and about after 10pm.)
    10. Close all businesses at 10 pm with the exception of bars, restaurants and pharmacies.
    11. Require that all new city employees live in Paterson.
    1. Train your staff monthly at the school level. Have teacher led lessons (individual or co-teaching) which are evaluated by fellow teachers who give positive feedback along with recommendations on ways to improve lessons.
    2. Give principals full control of their respective schools and create a stable environment where teachers and administrators take pride in the building they practice their craft.
    3. There are too many administrators, supervisors and assistants – Down size and return to the model other school system practice with less money.
    4. Stick to the established policies and hold everyone accountable… and yes that includes parents.
    5. Do not socially promote students – Automatically retain students who are behind two reading levels at the 3rd, 5th and 8th grade levels. (Students who are unable to read will not attain a successful experience in school.)
    6. Create true programs for teaching Reading, Writing and Math at the elementary level and fine tune by figuring out what your most successful teachers do. USE YOUR DATA to identify your successful teachers.
    7. Tenure should be a badge of honor and only given to teachers that truly enjoy the work they do practicing their craft. (Teachers who merely show up should be done away with through observations.)
    8. Hire people that are qualified for the leadership positions they hold – no more political hires.
    9. Create budgets that have a built in surplus and stop wasting money on nonsense hires and programs.
    At some point we have to take a few steps forward and be willing to change.
