The number of students receiving passing marks on Advanced Placement exams doubled in the 2018-19 school year, according to data provided by the Paterson Public Schools.
86 students received a score of three or higher on the five-point scale on exams administered in spring 2019, up 100-percent, from 43 students the previous academic year.
Many higher education institutions award college credits to students with a three or higher in a particular subject area, saving the student tuition costs.
“When we hold our students to high expectations, they meet the bar,” said superintendent Eileen Shafer. “Our students can do whatever we challenge them to do if we give them and our teachers the tools and resources they need.”
57 students scored a 3 or higher in Spanish Language and Culture; 10 in English Language and Composition; 7 in Computer Science Principles; 6 in Studio Art 2-D Design Portfolio; 3 in U.S. History; 1 each in World History, English Literature and Composition, and Biology.
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Updated 10:35 a.m. on Aug. 4.