State gives Paterson schools $5.1 million in emergency aid | Paterson Times

State gives Paterson schools $5.1 million in emergency aid


The city’s school district is getting $5.14 million in emergency aid from the New Jersey Department of Education.

School officials had requested $24.66 million in emergency aid last summer after 234 jobs were eliminated due to budget shortfalls. Among the cuts were 166 teacher, 23 vice principal, and 29 supervisor jobs.

The aid application stated the district would use the award to rehire teachers at every school and restore eliminated vice principals and supervisors.

Governor Phil Murphy’s administration announced $15 million in emergency aid to 29 school districts late Friday. Newark requested $36 million and received $4 million; Jersey City requested $215 million and received nothing.

Paterson was the sole district in Passaic County to apply for emergency aid.

The spring layoffs in Paterson led to big class sizes in the fall, many classrooms have 30 or more students, according to school officials.

School officials are facing another budget crunch in the 2021 academic year budget. Last month, school officials revealed the district is facing a $63.7 million shortfall.

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  • DemocrapSocialistsSuck

    They should've just gave it to me, I can blow it just as easily as the school board will.

  • HankMorgan

    More vice-principals! More “supervisors”! As long as they polish Shafer’s apple and destroy morale in general and sadistcally attack vulnerable teachers in their buildings they’ll retain their offices and six figure salaries for another day! How proud they all must be! White, Rabizki, Perotta, Petretti, Evering. Degenerate, morally and ethically challenged. Raise their salaries!

    • DemocrapSocialistsSuck

      They all need to go, including the teachers. Over paid hacks. Fire them all and start from scratch. Paterson schools suck, have sucked, and will continue to suck. If you can afford it take your kid out of there and enroll them in private school like the politicians do with their kids. Otherwise they're screwed.

      • MarquinhoGaucho

        If the teachers suck so bad as you say, why is it when they leave for the burbs for higher pay and better conditions they are stellar educators? Its the administrators who enable the bad apples who make it impossible for the other kids who want to learn and the teachers to do their jobs. Joe Clark was right. get rid of the bad apples

        • DemocrapSocialistsSuck

          The school systems in the 'burbs are more often than not run by Republicans there are no Socialists to screw things up.

          • MarquinhoGaucho

            You know there are plenty of democratic school boards in the burbs too right? Montclair, Verona, Nutley right?

          • DemocrapSocialistsSuck

            Yeah and the schools suck all they do is indoctrinate the youth into being brain dead Socialists.

          • MarquinhoGaucho

            You are right look at Finland, Germany, Holland living hells

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Paterson doesn't need more administrators .. They need to put a moratorium on charters and make them accountable. They are sitting on a surplus of millions while PPS lays off staff. The inept BOE (minus Teague) favours the charters , creates a failing system in order to justify the charter expansion..

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    You know the corrupt board of Ed is just going to give the money to their charter overlords who continue to bilk the taxpayers. Look what they are doing in Newark. You think the same isnt going on here? go to northjersey dot com and look at Newark charter school subpoenaed over $10M building markup
