Municipal officials are moving to resurface 14 roadways throughout the city as part of a road repair program.
Bloomfield-based J.A. Alexander Inc. is getting a $876,295 contract for the resurfacing work. The firm was the “lowest responsible bidder” for the work. Two other firms submitted bids for the work ranging from $985,000 to $1.1 million.
Municipal officials provided a list of 14 roadways expected to be completed. However, there is unlikely to be sufficient funds in the contract to resurface all 14 roadways under the 2019 citywide road resurfacing program.
Public works director William “Billy” Rodriguez said those roadways that are not resurfaced will be moved to the 2020 citywide road resurfacing program.
Work on the roadways won’t start until spring of next year.
Below is the list of roadways:
- Mary Street from Marshall Street to Main Street
- Doremus Street from West Broadway to Kearney Street
- East 31st Street from Park Avenue to 17th Avenue
- Godwin Avenue from Auburn Street to Rosa Parks Boulevard
- Grove Street from Main Street to West Railway Avenue
- Potomac Avenue from Illinois Avenue to Dundee Avenue
- East 36th Street from Market Street to Alabama Avenue
- 23rd Avenue from Lakeview Avenue to East 35th Street
- East 39th Street from 21st Avenue to Market Street
- East 17th Street from 3rd Avenue to Putnam Street
- Chestnut Street from 21st Avenue to Oak Street
- Vernon Avenue from Dead End to Michigan Avenue
- North 2nd Street from Haledon Avenue to Halpine Street
- Barnert Place from North 4th Street to North 2nd Street.
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