Coronavirus cases in Paterson top 4,100 with 130 deaths | Paterson Times

Coronavirus cases in Paterson top 4,100 with 130 deaths


The number of people tested positive for the new coronavirus in Paterson topped 4,100 with 130 deaths on Sunday afternoon, according to municipal government data.

Municipal officials reported 159 new cases, bringing the total to 4,125. One new death was reported on Sunday.

Paterson has the largest outbreak in Passaic County.

Passaic County has 11,137 infections with 426 deaths. Overall, New Jersey had 109,038 cases with 5,938 deaths on Sunday.

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  • John Brown

    the infection rate is 5 x times what's reported because there is no testing for Paterson residents
    and we have the Mayor to thank for that for not fighting for it. instead he laid down like the dog he is
    because 'Free loader' Denova told him to back off and let those niggers and Spics die!
    to which him and the Muslim Brotherhood said . O.K… NOW! aren't you glad you voted
    for this Fecal Matter of a Mayor?!!….
