Paterson needs coronavirus testing sites for its residents | Paterson Times

Paterson needs coronavirus testing sites for its residents


Oh, what a sight it would be if Paterson could have a few Covid19 Paterson testing sites!

Coronavirus has come with a height of fury causing sickness, death, fear and anger without respect of persons no matter your age, ethnicity, culture, economic status or educational background not just locally but globally. And, we can emphatically say, “We are truly in this together!”

As of April 23, 2020, Paterson has 3,587 confirmed cases and 124 deaths which is very alarming in a population of over 150,000 and steadily increasing. As of today, we haven’t been provided the demographic data within our community to understand which ethnicities, age brackets or sections of our communities are more impacted than others. It is my belief that this information is vital to proactively flatten the curve, strategically plan, the development of communication models, promote more social distancing, avoid educational deficiencies for our children, financial business stability and ensure the survival rate of community. While I could complain about what’s not right, I rather make a plea for the city where I was born and raised and love so much. If Paterson ever needed your help from the federal and state governments, the time is NOW!

Paterson needs full funding to have a few test sites, with an enormous amount of test kits, certified and volunteer staffing, personal protective equipment (PPE) and post therapeutic counseling modules ASAP. We’re a densely population city with a median income of approximately $37,000 and our residents desperately need to be tested.

As we are faced with the grim reality every day that our loved ones are sick, quarantined, are dying and have died, my arms extend virtually bellowing out a sense of hope that, “This too shall pass!” My prayer is that we are fully funded sooner than later. Oh, what a sight it would be to have test sites in Paterson!

Written by councilwoman Lilisa Mimms.
