Developer breaks ground on $40 million project to build housing at Paterson Armory site | Paterson Times

Developer breaks ground on $40 million project to build housing at Paterson Armory site


A seven-story luxury housing complex will be built on the vacant lot that used to hold the Paterson Armory.

Prominent developer Charles Florio and municipal officials broke ground on the 138-unit housing complex on Thursday morning.

“We’re going to attract Paterson residents to this site,” said Florio. He said rent will run from $1,800 to $2,300. He also hopes to rent the newly built apartments to teachers of nearby schools such as Eastside High School and New Roberto Clemente Elementary School.

Florio said the building will cost $40 million to construct. He said it will have 191,000 square feet of space. The New Paterson Armory will have on-site parking, amenities like a pool, gym, rooftop deck, and a first-floor restaurant.

Building will also have space for a police substation officials revealed on Thursday.

“We’re bringing the Armory back,” said mayor Andre Sayegh. “It will beautify this neighborhood.”

Sayegh said for four decades the Paterson Armory has been an eyesore. The old Armory was badly damaged in a fire in 2015. Front of the building remained standing after the massive fire. But the parapet wall collapsed in 2019, forcing the city to knock down the entire structure.

Council president Flavio Rivera, who graduated from Eastside High School, recalled walking passed the neglected and crumbling old Paterson Armory.

“Good things are happening in the 5th Ward,” added councilman Luis Velez.

Mounds of concrete and bricks from the old Paterson Armory were visible on the vacant lot on the corner of Market and Pennington Street.

“These are the materials that are from the historic armory itself, they’ll be integrated into the building. So that historic past, that legacy of the older days of Paterson, will be permanently enshrined in the future of the building itself,” said Economic development director Michael Powell.

The old Paterson Armory was built in 1894 to house New Jersey’s Second Regiment.

Florio expects to have the New Paterson Armory built in 18 months.

Paterson Armory Groundbreaking

Email: [email protected]

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  • DaMan

    both crooks…Florio and mayor…..Florio build these new building and rents to cash only tenants…within a moth drugs are being sold inside as well as in front of the building . calls to his office are unanswered, pitbulls and other dogs are all over his buildings….i know i live in one of them…..just another Crook

  • Eric B. McKenzie

    If good things are happening in the 5th Ward i would like to see some changes on 16th and Carroll street, Pearl and Rosa Parks, Pearl and Carroll Please !!!
    Also someone need to address these nasty people who walk their dogs 3 bocks away from their homes to in front of other people's home, in the middle of the side walks.


    Charles “The Slumlord” Florio

  • John

    This PIECE OF SHIT photoop mayor. Did this mayor tell the voting idiots of Paterson how all these new developments don't pay any taxes for decades? Something Joey Torres refused to do so this Florio hired someone to stalk Joey and showed Joey had used city workers for.multiple hours doing personal things for him. Did this POS mayor show you how many people of color are being slaughtered, while his Muslim community on the other side if town is safely being taken care of, even opening up a Police station in this very low crime rate area compared to the rest of Paterson

  • John

    Mayor make sure you do Floriio right and give him all he wants and all the tax abatement he wants or if not you will be in jail

  • DemocrapSocialistsSuck

    Mayor McCheese is Florio's bitch.

  • Ablej

    1,800 dollars to 2,300 dollars. only one problem most people rent in paterson is because rents are cheap. Most people that can pay those prices are going to live somewhere else. Until they get rid of the drugs that will be section 8 in no time
