Paterson man hurt in Main Street shooting | Paterson Times

Paterson man hurt in Main Street shooting


A city man was wounded in a shooting on Main Street early Saturday morning, according to the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office.

The victim, 22-year-old, was struck by gunfire in the area of Main and Hemlock streets at around 1:58 a.m. He arrived at Saint Joseph’s University Medical Center seeking treatment for a gunshot wound.

Police said the victim’s injuries are not fatal.

Authorities continue to investigate the incident. Anyone with information is asked to call the Paterson Police Ceasefire Unit at 973-321-1342.

  • Justice Forall

    Is there anyone who seriously thinks it isn’t time for “Stop and Frisk” in Paterson? This mayor and his council should be ashamed of themselves for putting political correctness over what is clearly required to stem the daily gun violence in this city.

    • Paterson Resident

      I've been writing that for some time now

      • Justice Forall

        And you’ve been absolutely right!

    • Dingo jones

      Stop and frisk was deemed unconstitutional by a federal judge back in 2011 I believe. Plus all that does is punish people for being poor or for being black or Latino because believe me the cops weren't doing their stop and frisk on Wall Street and 90% of their stops were on minority's. That's not how you clean up a city. Remember Rudy Giuliani he didn't use stop and frisk to clean up NYC he started with quality of life issues and that's what Paterson has to do. In the long term nothing good comes from violating the rights of our citizens people have fought bled and died for these rights that you people would have these cops take away from us so easily. Shame on you guys. How would you like it if the next time you go to Starbucks and cop snatches you up and frisks you because he doesn't like the coffee that you're drinking?

      • Justice Forall

        Stop and Frisk in Paterson would hardly punish or single out persons for being a certain race or ethnicity or income level, so your constitutional argument fails as does the rest of your argument, especially the wrong coffee Starbucks silliness. And, there is absolutely nothing inconsistent with Giuliani’s broken window approach together with Stop and Frisk. Decent Paterson residents are subject to gang and gun violence every day and in every neighborhood so before you start wrongly asserting what you think the rights people have bled and died for are why don’t you think about the dying and bleeding going on the streets on a daily basis and how the lack of civility affects the rights of those decent, low abiding citizens to live their lives in peace and safety.

        • HankMorgan

          Read closely, Dopey.

          “In Floyd v. City of New York, decided on August 12, 2013, US District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that stop-and-frisk had been used in an unconstitutional manner and directed the police to adopt a written policy to specify where such stops are authorized.”

          • Justice Forall

            Another Wikipedia lawyer heard from. And, this means what dopey?

          • HankMorgan

            It just confirms what Dingo said. If the court deems it unconstitutional then the police can’t implement it. You can argue all you want about it’s effectiveness in lowering crime (I’m not it was) but blaming the mayor for mayor for not using it doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

          • Justice Forall

            You’re wrong. In fact, stop and frisk as it was applied to the tactics in New York City were found to be unconstitutional by the district court. Stop and frisk by police based upon reasonable suspicion of a person engaged in unusual behavior thought to be armed and dangerous has been found by the United States Supreme Court in 1968 to be constitutional.
            And, while I wouldn’t call you Dopey as you did me, I would suggest you educate yourself going forward will more than just Wikipedia, and finally, stop calling people names because you don’t agree with them.

          • HankMorgan

            1968? Lol.

          • Justice Forall

            Yes, please see the1968 Terry v Ohio, Supreme Court decision. The 2013 case involving NYC was decided by a Federal District Court judge on FACTS specific to NYC police tactics. Moreover, a district court does not have the power to overrule the Supreme Court, and therefore Terry is still good law.

          • HankMorgan

            That’s right. My argument (and the court’s) is that it’s overall lack of success in reducing crime combined with police incompetency and the racial implications make it a poor practice.

  • HankMorgan

    Paterson cops go into these neighborhoods and start putting everyone up on the wall they might find some stuff. But they’re also gonna start a war they’ll wish they never had.
    Why do you think they haven’t tried it?

    • Justice Forall

      Paterson is already a war zone, the reasons tactics like stop and frisk are not employed are certainly attributable to a lack in the number of police, and a mayor and administration who fail to govern.

  • John

    Where is this POS Mayor.and new so called.Pilice.Chief? Where would the next photo op be?

  • John

    Put these thugs up against the wall and search them and.then probably arrest them. LAW AND ORDER. DONT BLM WANT TO SAVE LIVES? THIS WOULD DEFINITELY DO IT.

    • Lueminattibenz

      I agree but start with the police corruption first stop n frisk Jerry speziale and then go and shake down pascrell for committing organized crime and using his senate seat to do it
      Low level drug dealers mean you caught someone screwing with their pockets catching my drift

  • TK Kirkland

    LMFAO at all the ridiculous comments. Relax people. The shooting stemmed from a beef inside a “hookah lounge” that spilled into the street. In which operates on the same property as former (Apple Bails Bond…) by the same owner…(Muhammad). Prob in cahoots with Sayegh…it’s his voter based district…
