Paterson spends $61,000 to buy tree stump grinder | Paterson Times

Paterson spends $61,000 to buy tree stump grinder


Municipal officials approved the purchase of a machine to grind tree stumps for $61,601, according to public records.

Woodland Park-based Northeastern Arborist Supply will deliver the stump grinder Model SG-75. The machine will be used to grind stumps after public works worker cut down trees.

Previously, public works lacked a tree stump grinder or remover. They rented a machine to remove half-dozen tree stumps that were left behind after dead trees were cut down from the Lucas Park last year.

Municipal officials approved the contract to purchase the machine on March 23.

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  • J. Brown.

    And it will be broken within a month.
    Like everything 2nd hand they buy.

    • WakeUpPaterson

      New or 2nd hand. When someone needs to get off their behind and operate it, they will pull a line and say its broken.

  • Chino Vargas

    Must be a few tree down by South Paterson,,

  • HankMorgan

    Cool story.

  • J. Brown.

    Good. Maybe they can remove that tree stump in city hall.

    • WakeUpPaterson

      You need something better than a tree stump remover than that. They are snakes, their best defense will be to dig a hole and go hide.

  • WakeUpPaterson

    Right in time for spring cleaning at the Mayors and council members houses and streets. Rest of Paterson time it will be broken.
