Paterson police recover three guns, including one from a 15-year-old, in separate incidents | Paterson Times

Paterson police recover three guns, including one from a 15-year-old, in separate incidents


The police recovered three handguns, including one from a 15-year-old, in separate incidents on Tuesday, according to public safety director Jerry Speziale.

Police arrested three people for having the weapons. David Martinez, 24, of Paterson; 15-year-old Paterson boy; and Cornell Day, 18, of Paterson, were arrested on various weapons offenses.

Martinez and the 15-year-old boy were busted on Clinton and Matlock streets at around 7:05 p.m. Police exited their vehicles to speak to two males. The 15-year-old ran. Martinez remained at the scene. Police arrested Martinez and seized a Beretta 9mm semi-automatic pistol. The boy fled on Clinton Street towards North 1st Street with police behind him. The boy allegedly dropped a loaded Ruger .380 caliber handgun near a dumpster by School 28. Police arrested him on Temple and Matlock streets.

The boy is being held at the Essex County Juvenile Detention Center while Martinez is being held at the Passaic County Jail.

Several hours later, police busted Day on North 1st and Arch streets. Police were clearing a gathering on North Main and Jefferson streets at around 9:35 p.m. when they observed Day wearing a fanny pack that had a gun sticking out.

Day was quickly arrested without an incident. Police recovered a Taurus 9mm semi-automatic pistol. He is being held at the Passaic County Jail pending a hearing.

  • Chino Vargas

    See people how gun control works,criminals dont obey,period

    • MarquinhoGaucho

      It works but the criminals game the system in states like Virginia , South Carolina Florida, buy them legally or hire smurfs , report the gun stolen and traffic said gun to NJ, once they have bodies on them then they export them to Mexico , Philippines etc…notice how none of the guns are legal guns from NJ, so gun control DOES Work

      • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

        it works so well only criminals get guns easily.Those trying to protect themselves from those criminals are put through hell before and if given permission to have a gun.Time for everyone to go by the second ammendment of our Constitution.NO PERMISSION IS NEEDED TO OWN A GUN. do as the criminals are doing.

        • OBED SANTOS

          Don't mind him he's a liberal clown

          • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

            followed you! not many intelligent people left in this country. 99% are brainwashed, fearful sheeple. are you on telegram app? they don't censor. mine is USAPatriots. let me know yours. I will follow you.

  • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

    New program idea.Charge & lock up parents for any crimes their minor children commit.Watch how quick parents start raising humans instead of wild jungle beasts.
