Paterson police arrest 17-year-old in possession of a loaded Glock handgun | Paterson Times

Paterson police arrest 17-year-old in possession of a loaded Glock handgun


A city teenager has been arrested for allegedly having a loaded handgun on North Main Street, according to public safety director Jerry Speziale.

Police arrested the 17-year-old on North Main and Arch streets at around 9:10 p.m. on Sunday. Police officers observed the suspect among a large group, drinking and obstructing the roadway, at the intersection.

Detectives exited their vehicle and observed the teen breaking away from the crowd and starting to flee on foot. They began chasing the suspect. The teen was holding his waistband as he fled, refusing to obey commands of officers to stop.

The suspect allegedly discarded the weapon on the pavement while running through a parking lot near the Paterson Community Health Center. He was ultimately arrested on Arch Street.

Police recovered a loaded Glock 9mm semi-automatic handgun.

Speziale said this was the second weapon seized over the weekend. On Saturday, police recovered a loaded 9mm handgun hidden in the area. No suspect was arrested.

  • Chino Vargas

    aaawww,,poor little inocent kid!!!

  • John

    Let police, police the communities and support police 100% and don't stand with America's criminals, America's Politicians, America's Media and dont stand with BLM.

    All lives matter and good.lives matter. What don't matter are criminals and.the real racist that tend to call everyone else racist these days

    • Miss jamaica

      So true
      Say it loud.

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    I'm sure he was turning his life around. If any bodies come up on that gun, charge him with murder
