The New Jersey Attorney General’s Office released bodycam footage on Wednesday of a Paterson man who died on Madison Avenue following an encounter with police.
Jose Gonzalez, 41, of Paterson, is seen in the bodycam footage struggling with himself, at time hitting himself.
Police try to calm him down and arrest him, but he puts up a struggle.
“Relax, relax,” one police officer is heard saying as they successfully handcuff Gonzalez. He becomes silent and motionless on the ground after he is handcuffed.
Gonzalez appears lifeless after he is put on the stretcher. “I lost his pulse,” an EMT is heard saying in the video.
EMTs are seen attempting CPR to revive the man.
The incident happened on October 2. Police responded to a 911 call at 620 Madison Avenue. A man was walking on roofs and trying to break into homes, police were told.
Police responded at around 5:26 p.m. They arrived with medical personnel and encountered the man. He appeared injured at the rear exterior of a residence, authorities said. Two police officers tried to render aid.
The man was agitated, and officers handcuffed him onto a stretcher. After being secured on the stretcher he was taken to St. Joseph’s University Medical Center. He was pronounced dead at 6:22 p.m.
Authorities said Gonzalez’s death remains under investigation by the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA).