Paterson pays more than $47,000 to settle car crash lawsuit | Paterson Times

Paterson pays more than $47,000 to settle car crash lawsuit


The city is paying a man and woman from Fair Lawn $47,500 to settle a motor vehicle accident case that involved a municipal vehicle.

Roman Litvak and Elena Lipovetsky sued the city in 2019 alleging the accident resulted from a public works employee “negligently and carelessly” operating a city-owned vehicle.

Their lawsuit states the incident happened on May 16, 2018. Litvak and Lipovetsky were in a vehicle on Union Avenue and Ryerson Street.

Their vehicle was struck by Richard Prescott, a driver for public works recycling. Litvak and Lipovetsky sustained “serious” injuries from the incident.

Municipal officials approved the settlement last Tuesday.

  • Javi Chino Vargas

    "PATERSON TAX PAYERS" pay more than 47k,,,now i fix it.
