Paterson police officer fatally shot armed suspect fleeing car crash scene, authorities say | Paterson Times

Paterson police officer fatally shot armed suspect fleeing car crash scene, authorities say


A police officer shot and killed an armed suspect who was attempting to flee from the scene of a motor vehicle collision on Straight and Van Houten streets, according to authorities.

Preliminary investigation by the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office found the man, whose name is not being released by law enforcement, was involved in an automobile collision on Straight and Van Houten streets at around 4:12 p.m. on Monday.

He ran from the scene. While running away from the scene, he tried to enter multiple vehicles. He appeared to be armed with a handgun, according to the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office.

A police officer began to chase him on foot. Authorities said during an “encounter” with the suspect, the officer fired his service weapon, killing him. A firearm was recovered from near the man’s body.

Authorities said they continue to investigate the incident.

  • J. Brown.

    Good job! We need more outcomes like this for violent perps.

  • Tony Clifton

    Can anyone explain why PPD wouldn't release dead man's name?

  • alonzo scripps

    Just look at the top stories of the Times, daily there are shootings every day of the week! It is amazing that there are not more deadly Police encounters. Several months ago the Administration said they would hire Class ii Police Officers?
    Another contradiction, the top Sayegh Admin Officials received HUGE salary increases, some increases were higher than the majority of city employee's and DPW workers.
    Class II Officers are NOT provided any Police Dept.benefits and a minimum wage by comparison. All hail the political Ivory Tower. Thanks City Council..

    • #fuckblm

      keep voting demorat………lol

  • Ablej

    I got an idea let's give the developers more tax breaks. So they can become wealthier and go live in Franklin lakes or somewhere beautiful. You know because they love paterson so much

    • #fuckblm

      whats your point? you smoking crack? cheap mexican crystal meth?

      • Ablej

        Nah I don't do drugs. The point is that the reason paterson is in ruin is because of the beautiful section 8 housing.

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    nj dot com says correctly he was a carjacker. Sounds like a justified shooting to me ..bravo Paterson PD!!

  • #fuckblm

    Hope the police officer wins the mega millions lottery or the powerball for eradicating human garbage from paterson!

  • #fuckblm