One-year later councilman Alex Mendez files campaign finance report | Paterson Times

One-year later councilman Alex Mendez files campaign finance report


After winning an at-large council seat during last May’s municipal elections, Alex Mendez did not file his 20-day post-election campaign finance report until this month.

Mendez’s 20-day post-election report was received by the New Jersey New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) on June 1st, 2015. The report shows the former school board member raised $19,051.

Much of his war chest was filled with small contributions, according to the report. Mendez received only six reportable contributions, donations $300 or more.

Mendez received the following six decent-sized contributions:
•    $500 from Passaic City mayor Alex Blanco.
•    $500 from city council president Julio Tavarez
•    $500 from Parrillada & Lechonera Costambar of Market Street
•    $300 from Dominicano Marte Peguero of Haledon
•    $700 from Market Furniture of Market Street
•    $1,000 from CM Financials of 21st Avenue

His campaign also lists a $250 contribution from Nicholas Real Estate Agency. Mendez’s campaign report lists the $250 contribution under monetary contributions in excess of $300.

Mendez last campaign report listed an $800 payment for a campaign event to Liberty Transport Group. His second largest expense listed in that report is a $400 radio advertising purchased from US Promotions of Madison Avenue, according to the report.

He spent $17,869 and continues to hold $1,182 in his campaign bank account, according to the report.

Mendez has been delinquent in filing campaign finance reports even before he won an at-large seat in May 2014. In fact, during a candidate forum at the city hall weeks before that election, councilman Kenneth Morris, challenged him to file his campaign finance reports.

Morris during that same forum also challenged then-candidate Maritza Davila to do the same. Davila who, like Mendez has been delinquent in filing her 20-day post-election report, filed her campaign finance report on May 20th, 2015.

Mendez and Davila have been under intense media scrutiny for failing to file their reports in a timely manner. Campaign finance reports allow voters to see how a candidate is funding his or her campaign as well as where that money is being spent.

Mendez did not respond to a call to explain the one-year delay in filing his report.

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