Paterson pays out $435,000 to settle alleged false arrest lawsuit | Paterson Times

Paterson pays out $435,000 to settle alleged false arrest lawsuit


The city council agreed to pay $435,000 on Tuesday night to settle a lawsuit filed by a man alleging police officer falsely arrested him.

Tariq Alqanawi alleged police officers Mahmoud Rabboh, Michael Johnson, and Mohan Singh falsely arrested him in June 2011. He alleged Rabboh engaged in a series of conduct that resulted in him being assaulted and stalked, according to the complaint.

Alqanawi claimed he was falsely arrested twice by police. Once Rabboh allegedly arrested him and placed in the back seat of his police car after spraying the seats with pepper spray.

Alqanawi nearly lost consciousness while in the back of the car, he claimed.

Rabboh faced similar allegations when he was indicted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in 2012. The next year the charges against him were dropped and he was cleared.

The council rejected a settlement on the case in July. On Tuesday, council members approved the $435,000 settlement in a 7-1 vote after a lengthy closed-door discussion with the city’s attorney and high ranking police officials.

Council members did not make any public comments prior to approving the settlement. Kenneth Morris, councilman at-large, voted against while Shahin Khalique was not present during the midnight vote on the settlement.

Email: [email protected]

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  • Plumber

    giving out lawsuit settlements out without a fight typical Paterson, police officers were cleared

    • Yogi Zuna

      There is little hope left for the overburdened taxpayers. Strike that. Zero hope.
