Paterson student, who fell running from wasps at Westside Park, gets $85,000 in settlement from city | Paterson Times

Paterson student, who fell running from wasps at Westside Park, gets $85,000 in settlement from city


A John F. Kennedy High School student, who tripped over a pothole while fleeing a swarm of wasps during an outdoor gym class at Westside Park four years ago, is getting $85,000 in settlement from the city government after his parents sued.

Luis Silverio, the student, suffered “severe and permanent physical, emotional and psychological injuries,” from the fall, according to the lawsuit.

Silverio previously received a $100,000 settlement from the Board of Education related to the same incident in July.

The incident happened on September 16, 2016. Silverio was part of physical education teacher Jason Brandt’s gym class.

Brandt allegedly had the students run laps on the dilapidated pathway in Westside Park. Silverio followed the instructions and began to run laps around the circular path at the park.

Other students started to throw rocks at a tree containing a wasp nest. Wasps began swarming and stinging the students.

Silverio and other students ran towards the school building to flee the wasps. He tripped in one of several potholes on the circular path, “severely” injuring himself, says the lawsuit.

Brandt is accused of failing to properly supervise students and failing to see the presence of a wasp nest in the area where students were told to run laps. He is also accused of failing to prevent students from throwing rocks at the wasp nest, according to the lawsuit.

Silverio accused the Paterson Public Schools of negligence. His lawsuit also accused the city of Paterson of failing to properly maintain the public park.

Silverio attorney sought $100,000 from the city government. Had the case gone to trial it would have cost more than $100,000, said law director Farrah Irving.

Members of the City Council approved the settlement on Tuesday night.

Email: [email protected]

  • Miss jamaica

    Probably would have cost less just to maintain the park.
    This cost tax payers over 200k.
    Rightfully so he must get a settlement. We are liable. Taxpayers are held responsible.
    Again Paterson DPW that maintain the parks did not do the job. DPW this is on you.
    Again government have no money they spend taxpayers money.

  • HankMorgan

    I got hit by a car on my way to work through the JFK parking lot. I went flying. And it hurt. No one cared. “Apparently”, the cameras monitoring the lot were not “working.”

    • MarquinhoGaucho

      You should have sued the school for failing to maintain the cameras…everytime there is a crime or bad behaviour by a corrupt admin like Christine Lewis conveniently the cameras do not work, but to get a teacher they work

      • HankMorgan

        What are you referring to?

  • John

    These courts are a joke. Come to America and then sue them. How much more on all this garbage can America take?

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Brandt is not at fault the average gym class at JFK has 40 kids ..15 over the state law limit. I see them when I fish at west side park…they hurl profanities and worse at passers by. You cant expect 1 teacher to keep an eye on 40 students. Again if Charters didn't drain resources PPS could afford more teachers and obey the state law of 25 kid class limit. My cousin's kids are in a bilingual class there are over 30. Really? No wonder there are so many unfilled bilingual positions..who wants 50 kids in a class when a regular class gets 25

    • HankMorgan

      Watta you catching in that stretch of the mighty Passaic?

      • MarquinhoGaucho

        Tiger Muskies, large mouth bass, sunnies and carp and catfish

        • HankMorgan

          Nice haul. And the Lewis reference?

          • HankMorgan

            I recall that she and her besty from JFK sat on the board of directors for the charter of which her besty’s husband was principal. They approved an outrageous $400,000 or so for his annual salary as principal. I’m sure you recall.
