City Council wants stiffer penalties for dumping in Paterson | Paterson Times

City Council wants stiffer penalties for dumping in Paterson


The City Council gave preliminary approval on Tuesday night to a pair of ordinances that increase the penalties for dumping in Paterson.

Under the new measures, the minimum penalty is $2,500 and the maximum is $10,000. Previously, the dumping penalty was “a fine not exceeding $2,000.”

“I’m asking for a strong legislation to attack and fight against those people that are coming into our town and dumping garbage in every area,” said councilman Alex Mendez. “We’re not playing around with this legislation.”

Municipal inspectors have often complained the penalties for dumping is too low. Those who are caught dumping are let off with a slap on the wrist, they have argued over the years.

Dumping is defined as depositing on any property or public space “litter, barrels, boxes, cans, bottles, glasses, papers or containers, broken or otherwise, susceptible of holding or containing liquids, or any junk, garbage, rubbish, live or dead vegetation, grass, leaves, trees, branches, stumps, building materials, soil, dead animals, offal or any other offensive or unsightly mailer.”

Council members often criticize mayor Andre Sayegh’s administration for lax enforcement of the municipal code.

“It’s a great initiative, council members, but I’m just questioning if it’s going to be enforced,” added council president Flavio Rivera.

Both measures were initially passed without opposition. They are expected to be enacted without opposition.

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  • Ablej

    Hope I don't get a fine for when I do what I am supposed to do on recycling day.And recycling never shows up


      I doubt anyone will notice in that shithole lol

    • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

      I hope I don't get a fine.I go around my area with a rake and garbage bags in a shopping cart picking up a much garbage as possible. I used to bring just the rake and bags but all the city garbage cans disappeared.You have to walk several blocks to find one.So I fill up the cart with bags of garbage and walk blocks to put them in city garbage cans.I remember when dpw? was caught stealing and scrapping man hole covers.I now wonder if someone is scrapping the metal city trash cans.Bad enough I have to try to keep my area clean.It's so embarrassing to live in such filth.Why isn't there enforcement of every single resident having to keep in front of their house,clean daily? and yes,I run into a piles of dumped bags on curbs.Mostly construction garbage.I have asked residents to get their license plate numbers but no one ever seems to see the dumpers.They wake up to bags of trash on the curb,hear and see nothing before that?I am afraid it's futile if no one cares or wants to get involved.For now, I will just continue to do my best not to let my area look like the 4th ward.I hope I don't get a ticket for doing the city's job for free.

  • Two eyes on Paterson

    Once upon a time there was an inspector named ARAL that worked in the DPW dept under Code Enforcement/Sanitation Inspector that hammered violators with multiple hefty tickets that thought Paterson was America’s Dumping City and was 100% dedicated to serve the City and people of Paterson,He was generating 20k in revenue for the City of Paterson..After dedicating 9 yrs of service to the City of Paterson he was recognized as an exceptional Inspector and the City awarded him with a Generous $22k SALARY…YES THIS A FKN JOKE AND HE RESIGNED IN 2013 after the PATHETIC SALARY THIS FKN CORRUPT CITY OFFERS…THIS IS THE REASON WHY PATERSON LOOKS LIKE THE WAY IT DOES…THE CITY DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE BLUE COLLAR EMPLOYEES AND THATS WHY THESE STORIES HAVE FINALLY SURFACED…..WAKE THE FCK UP

    • HankMorgan

      I live in Weehawken. The city DPW has street cleaners with brooms and garbage cans all day. The city is immaculate. But residents expect that. They keep their own properties neat, as well.


        Shocking considering Weehawken is run by Democrats.

        • HankMorgan

          Affluent and highly educated state that it is, New Jersey itself is overwhelmingly Democratic.

          • OBED SANTOS

            Yes it's racist to point out that the majority of Democrat run cities in NJ are shitholes. Are for NJ being overwhelmingly Democratic, that's because most of the voters are poorly educated morons like you who don't know any better. You're fine with the corruption and incompetence and paying the highest taxes in the nation. Do some research.

          • HankMorgan

            Republicans want nothing to do with urban centers. City dwellers laugh at them. Is there a Republican you can name who has put forward any policies that might help with the common problems of poverty, crime, education, housing and law enforcement? If Democrats can’t solve all the problems at least they don’t ignore them and do what they can to make life better for people who live in urban areas.

          • OBED SANTOS

            And for the most part they are shitholes. Thanks for proving my point. Chicago is a glorious hellhole and NY is becoming a glorious hellhole thanks to radical left wing lunatics running them. Democrats count on morons like you to vote against your own best interests. Name one Republican run ghetto city?

          • MarquinhoGaucho

            we had 8 years of O-bum-a , where where the collectives, re-education camps? Were republicans sent to North Dakota to the gulags??

          • OBED SANTOS

            So do you hate white people? Or just wish you were white?

          • John

            GREAT POINT. I think this knocked him out.

          • HankMorgan

            My very first reply to your comment indicated that your POV my be influenced by racism. You just wasted a lot of words proving it.

          • OBED SANTOS

            Yes I'm a racist legal immigrant from Venezuela lol you sure got my number!

          • HankMorgan

            By your logic me being Irish and Italian means I can’t be racist. Your ancestral history has nothing to do with your POV.

          • MarquinhoGaucho

            Go down south with GOP run states, last in education, high poverty rates, high crime, high drug addiction, and incompetent redneck inbred cops. You love GOP run states so much move to Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Loser-iana

          • OBED SANTOS

            Chicago is the murder capital of the Western Hemisphere. NYC is swirling the bowl. Admit it you wish you were white that's the reason for your hatred against whitey you're jealous because you will never be white.

          • MarquinhoGaucho

            I am "white", come to southern Brazil, it is mostly "white" Gisele Bundchen and Alessandra Ambrósio are from my neck of the woods (hence the Gaucho in my name) . FYI Your theory on "races" is outdated like Hitler's. There is only 1 race, the human race, because if there different "races" as you say, we would not be able to interbreed with each other, and create other beautiful women like Adriana Lima , another Brazilian….you need to go back to school and graduate this time…a good enough diploma (GED) is not cutting it for you

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    On the Madison ave entrance to 80 there has been dumped garbage there for days., New street near Grand too. Marshall and Van Winkle too tires, couches, etc etc….why doesn't the DPW pick it up instead of just leaving there

    • HankMorgan

      Sounds like a homeless paradise!
