Paterson naming a section of Vreeland Avenue to Jamaica Way | Paterson Times

Paterson naming a section of Vreeland Avenue to Jamaica Way


Municipal officials are naming a two-block section of Vreeland Avenue to Jamaica Way in recognition of Jamaica American contributions to the city.

Members of the City Council approved a measure last Thursday that will designate Vreeland Avenue from 17th Avenue to 19th Avenue to be also known as Jamaica Way.

“Jamaica Way will serve as a symbol of recognition and honor to all those who immigrated, followed their dreams, gave their lives for this country, paved the road for others, and left a lasting footprint within the City of Paterson,” reads the measure.

“Jamaicans have been here in this city for a very long time. And we have we have contributed mightily,” said former school board member Errol Kerr.

Kerr, who is of Jamaican heritage, had to lobby the City Council for three years for the street naming.

Council members Alex Mendez and Michael Jackson sponsored the street naming measure.

“This is a best way to acknowledge the contribution of the Jamaican community into the city of Paterson,” said Mendez.

Paterson has a large Jamaican population. Kerr has said Jamaicans have been in Paterson since the 1960s.

“I believe every community deserves the right to have a piece of the community that symbolizes their presence and contributions,” said Jackson.

A previous proposal sought to name a section of 10th Avenue to ‘Jamaica Heroes Way,” but that was abandoned.

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  • Chino Vargas

    Here we go with the streets naming,,waste of tax payers money ,and for this do nothing politicians this is a priority and no the crime and other issues,but Patersonians loves them.

  • Two eyes on Paterson

    Enough of the street naming,let’s take a ride to Clifton or Paramus and find one street that’s named for another Nation…Thats right there aren’t any…Only in Paterson do they honor different Nations on areas of Paterson..WHY NOT HONOR THE TAX PAYERS WITH SAFER STREETS,BETTER SERVICES,A MAYOR THAT ACTUALLY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE PEOPLE……NAH LET PATERSON STAY A HELL HOLE AND LETS JUST HONOR FOR SHITS/GIGGLES….

    • TK Kirkland

      OOOOSHHHH!!!!! That’s RIGHT!
      TELL EM’ AGAIN !!!

  • TK Kirkland

    I disagree with the street-naming. What the hell is a “Jamaican” ? Should be named “Tribe of Benjamin Way”

  • John

    Will.the Mayor have a photo op?

  • John

    Patersons.focus is so out of touch. Focus on the real issues. Are Patersonians this stupid?

  • Paterson Resident

    Way better than 10th ave. But please focus of the issues at hand. The constant shootings

  • John

    What better to represent Paterson for what it is name.namingbthe entire city to HEROIN WAY
