City council to discuss and potentially appoint councilperson for 1st Ward | Paterson Times

City council to discuss and potentially appoint councilperson for 1st Ward


The city council has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, December 30th, 2014 to discuss the possibility of filling the empty 1st Ward council seat left vacant by Anthony Davis’ resignation.

Council members are divided on whether to break precedent and appoint someone to represent the 1st Ward.

The meeting was called for after James Staton, pastor and president of 1st Ward Community Development Corporation, asked the council to consider appointing him until the November 2015 election.

Staton promised to forgo seeking a run during the special election.

The council’s agenda includes not just a discussion, but also a resolution to “fill a vacancy by appointing a 1st Ward councilman to serve until November 2015 election.”

Davis resigned from the seat on December 3rd, 2014, after pleading guilty to having taken bribes from an investigator posing as a real estate developer.

Council members have until January 3rd, 2015 to make an appointment or lose the opportunity.

The council is expected to begin its meeting at 6:30 p.m. on December 30th, 2014.

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