More than 100 people came out for 1st Ward city council candidate Veronica Ovalles’ fundraiser on Thursday night at the Brownstone House, according a number of people who attended the event.
Ovalles said she has not counted the amount of money that was raised from the event, but said 110 people were seated at the event. She said tickets went for $60 apiece.
“I don’t know how much I raised,” said Ovalles. “The event went very well. We had all the tables filled.”
Ovalles would have raised $6,600 from the fundraiser, but there were courtesy tickets that were given out to her friends and family members, she said. “The idea was to raise money and to talk about my views, my ward, and what I’m going to do,” she said.
There were also individuals who donated to her campaign at the event, said Ovalles.
She said she used the event to share her views and plans with the audience. She said she was pleased with the turn out.
Ovalles said she is submitting her petitions to get on the ballot for the 1st Ward on Tuesday morning. She previously ran in the November special election last year, but suffered a defeat.
Michael Jackson captured the 1st Ward council seat to finish up the remainder of disgraced councilman Anthony Davis’ term.