Paterson school board candidate hosting townhall meeting | Paterson Times

Paterson school board candidate hosting townhall meeting


School board candidate Kenneth Simmons is hosting a townhall meeting at the Paterson Museum on Wednesday evening.

Simmons plans to take questions from residents. His forum which doubles as a campaign kick-off event will start at 6:30 p.m.

A former school board member, Simmons is looking to regain a seat on the Board of Education. He is one of nine candidates vying for three seats.

Other candidates are Jonathan Hodges, Chrystal Cleaves, Fannia Santana, Andres Scott, Sebastian Mejia, Joel Ramirez, Joyed Rohim, and Juan Kivelier Sosa.

Hodges and Cleaves are incumbents.

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  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Hodges is a true advocate for Paterson's children. he isn't bought and paid for by the charter lobby or PCT (like corrupt Oishin castillo) . He is the only one that raises valid points of nepotism and charter school corruption at meetings .
