Pedro Rodriguez responds to councilman Sayegh’s call to eliminate telecom analyst position | Paterson Times

Pedro Rodriguez responds to councilman Sayegh’s call to eliminate telecom analyst position


After much hesitation to write this letter, I feel that I had to respond to the vicious personal attacks Councilman Andre Sayegh has publicized the last few days against me and other employees.

Councilman Sayegh is using one of the oldest tricks in the political book, “whenever you have nothing substantial to add, deviate the attention”, something used today by Donald Trump with his constant personal attacks, yet lack of substance.

I want to take the opportunity to clarify to the public that the “Telecommunications Systems Analyst” that Councilman Sayegh continues to refer to is a Civil Service Position, not a Mayoral appointment. This position was advertised by the Civil Service Commission and anyone in the City of Paterson and the State of New Jersey was able to apply and win the position based on their qualifications. I did, and I ranked #1 (The ranking was done by the NJ Civil Service Commission). I would assume that 18 years of experience as a Telecommunications Engineer and an MBA might have something to do with it.

I understand the frustration that Councilman Sayegh could have by being rejected by the City of Paterson voters 2 times as he tried to become Mayor in 2014 and 2010, but to discharge that frustration on individuals who did not support him is not a solution to the financial troubles our city is facing.

Neither, it’s an economic development solution to sell all abandoned properties only to his main political donor, even though, that could cause him some frustrations as well. To be a rich political contributor to Councilman Sayegh doesn’t qualify anyone to acquire all abandon properties in our city.

Councilman Sayegh had the opportunity to raise the Patersonians’ concerns in front of NJ State Officials (DCA) this past August 1st, but he opted to raise some more money for his personal political gains and did not attend the meeting.

It’s time for Councilman Sayegh to come out of the closet with some meaningful and realistic solutions that will alleviate the fiscal crisis that we are all living in.  We don’t need another Trump in Paterson who tries to play into the divisive rhetoric and personal attacks.

The speeches full of inaccuracies and lacking content are Trump modus operandi and Councilman Sayegh have decided to follow his footsteps.

I challenge Councilman Sayegh to come out of the closet.

Pedro Rodriguez
Potential 2018 mayoral candidate

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  • Unc

    Number 1 out of how many?

  • Paterson Resident

    Get a life Pedro, this City cant afford to pay its bills and salaries now, so I question why the CSC and the State is even allowing any hiring of test to be taken for any positions when the City is taking about a lay off and furlough. everyone want s to be the Mayor for the prestige and money so what are your real intentions for the City ? I could care less about who is appointing who and who supports who.
