Mayoral candidate Alex Cruz proposed to protect newly paved roadways from utility companies that rip up blacktop by putting in place a “resolution” barring the practice.
Passaic County judge allows Alex Cruz to run in Paterson mayoral race
Mayoral candidate Alex Cruz is qualified to run for office in the city, ruled Passaic County assignment judge Ernest Caposela on Monday morning, putting an end to the residency controversy that erupted the moment the police officers’ union president declared a run for mayor.
Paterson won’t disqualify Cruz in mayoral race
Mayoral candidate Alex Cruz, who has been fighting to prove he has lived in Paterson for a year to qualify for a mayoral run, will remain on the ballot for May. His eligibility was formally challenged by city resident Yanet Santana.
Paterson mayoral candidate Alex Cruz’s kids attend Passaic Valley High School
Mayoral candidate Alex Cruz’s children attend the Passaic Valley Regional High School – which serves residents of Little Falls, Totowa, and Woodland Park — while he continues to claim residency in Paterson.
Paterson police unions endorse Cruz for mayor
Detective Alex Cruz, whose eligibility to run for office in Paterson continues to be questioned, has secured the endorsement of his colleagues in the police force.
Private investigator surveilled Paterson mayoral candidate Alex Cruz
A city resident has filed a formal challenge to police union president Alex Cruz’s candidacy in the upcoming mayoral election relying on the findings of a private investigator.
Paterson mayoral candidate Alex Cruz’s residency issue better dealt with in court, says law director
The municipal clerk cannot disqualify police union president Alex Cruz, who changed his voting address from Little Falls to Paterson last July failing to meet the one-year residency requirement, from the mayoral race, according to city officials.