Opinion | Paterson Times | Page 7

Opinion articles


50 years after the Civil Rights Act inequality persists

50 years after the Civil Rights Act inequality persists

When President John F. Kennedy called on Congress in June 1963 to pass what would become the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he rattled off a string of statistics intended to highlight the nation’s continuing racial divide a century after the Emancipation Proclamation: “African Americans born that year had one half as much chance of


Mr Jones goes to India

It emerged earlier in the month that Jeffery Jones, the mayor of Paterson, and Erik Lowe, chairman of the Paterson Municipal Utilities Authority, are setting out for a jaunt to India for eight days. After the press picked up the story Mr Jones was pressed for more information about the trip – he couldn’t provide


The parade that wasn’t

The 1st Bangadesh Day Parade that divided the community and spurred violence last week, did not live up to its expectations.  The police and sheriff cars blocked off Union Avenue, one of the busiest roads in Paterson, and other surrounding streets for the parade.

The Man Had a Legal Gun

After the two gunmen robbed El Jaya Deli Grocery located on 12th Avenue, an employee of the store pulled out a gun from near the cash register, where it was hidden, went out onto the street, and it was outside on the sidewalk that he wounded one of the gunmen.

Kyrillos-Menendez Debate: Who Won?

When asked what made his opponent unqualified for office: Bob Menendez said his opponent is in the pocket of wealthy Americans; Joe Kyrillos said his opponent was not doing enough to help put the middle class back to work. When Mr Menendez  was offered time to respond he cited a series of votes in the
